All high school course request forms and signed graduation plans need to be turned in by Thursday, July 23rd. If you can bring them by the high school between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00.
over 4 years ago, Morton Junior High School
Congratulations to Band members who attended the virtual leadership conference! Your hard work is building a great future for our program!
over 4 years ago, Morton Band
Summer workouts have been postponed due to possible exposure. We have been taking every precaution to protect our student athletes,daily temperature checks, masks to and from facility,hand sanitizer throughout building and daily disinfecting of building. We will keep you posted.
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
If you missed the letterman jacket fitting today, you will need to pick up a form from Coach Ramsey. You must fill out the form and mail to Balfour. Balfour must receive your form no later than Thursday, July 23, for your jacket to be delivered with all other orders.
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
The Morton Big Gym is closed till further notice. We are refinishing the floor. Please do not enter the building. Thank You.
over 4 years ago, Morton Schools
Remember athletic physicals are being done right now at Hs gym from 9am-2pm.
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
High school gym will be closed from Friday July 17th thru Monday July 27. The floor is being resurfaced and waxed. No one allowed on floor during this time. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
Watch the new video for our Freshman Summer CTE camp. Its not to late to come to the camp. Click on the link below to watch the video.
over 4 years ago, Morton Schools
Letter Jacket packet. If you have lettered this past season, you will need to come by HS office or Field House office to pick up packet. Please bring packet with you to jacket measuring July 16 at 11am in HS gym foyer.
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
Physicals will be in HS gym foyer July 16th 9am-2pm
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
Physical form pick up. You will need to pick up forms at HS office or at Field House office. You will need to have them filled out and signed BEFORE you arrive. If you do not have a physical on file, you will not be able to pick up sports gear when we start. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
Incoming Freshmen! You're missing out on all the fun! Join us at CTE Summer Camp! WE are learning about careers and teamwork.
over 4 years ago, Morton Schools
Health Sciences
With teamwork we can build it!
Found in the lab
Family and Consumer Sciences
More CTE Summer Camp fun
over 4 years ago, Morton Schools
Look Ma!  No Hands!
CTE Summer Camp underway at the High School! Students are learning the advantages of teamwork!
over 4 years ago, Morton Schools
Mummify Me game
Mummify Me game
And the winner is!
Lunch pickup today at 11:30 until gone!
over 4 years ago, Morton Elementary School
Letter jacket packets have been mailed to Morton ISD. When they arrive we will send out more info to pick up. Stay tuned and stay safe!! Tribe Pride.
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
Morton ISD is following UIL recommendations and will close all athletic facilities until Monday, July 13,2020.
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
All incoming 7th, 9th and 11th grade students participating in athletics or band MUST have a physical. The local clinic is offering free physicals on July 16 from 9am-2 pm at the HS gym. It is important that you have the formed filled out and signed by parent/guardian before arriving to get your physical. Forms will be available the day of physicals or you can pick one up from a coach at strength and conditioning. Equipment will not be issued if you do not have a physical.
over 4 years ago, Coach Ramsey
Meal delivery will be today rather than tomorrow. 11 til gone.
over 4 years ago, Regina Ingle
Manten a tu familia segura este 4 de julio! Evite grupos mayores de 10 personas; quédese en casa si puede; lávese las manos; usa una máscara; mantente a 6 pies de distancia. ¡Haz tu parte!
over 4 years ago, Morton Schools