Morton varsity boys bb battled hard to a 40-50 loss to Muleshoe.. keep working hard. Tribe Pride!!
8th grade boys lose a close one, 30-33 to the Roughnecks.
JH boys 8th grade comes up a little short vs Sundown 30-33! Good game Indians!!
Jr high girls fought hard but came up short against Sundown. Good job, ladies, wat to fight.
JH boys B team wins over Sundown 56-11. Tribe Pride!!
7th grade Indians defeat Sundown, 56-11 to start the season.
Band Parent meeting for tomorrow is postponed. We will let you know when it is rescheduled. Thank you - Mighty Indian Band
Morton HS boys basketball will travel to Muleshoe Tues. for first game of the season. Muleshoe will allow 600 people to enter game. It’s first come first serve. No vouchers.
Tribe Pride!!
Lady Maiden JV loses a close one to New Deal 29-28. Hard work pays off, keep it up! Tribe Pride!!!
Girls Basketball vs New Deal live stream. JV starts at 1:00, varsity at 2:30.
Morton JH’s first basketball games of the season is Monday, Nov 16, vs Sundown. Boys B then A teams play at 5pm and 6pm at Morton and Girls B team and A team also play at 5 and 6pm at Sundown. Tickets for all Junior High ball games are $3 for Adults and $2 for students. Since boys and girls play at different schools this season, there is no need for pre-sale tickets or vouchers for JH games - for home or away games.
Band Parent Meeting: Tuesday, November 17 at 6:00 PM in the gym foyer. A parent or an adult family member needs to be there so that ALL students are represented for 8-12 Band.
The basketball schedules fo 2020-2021 are posted online. Please remember that all events are subject to change.
FCCLA Treasure Makayla shows the true meaning of student-led organization by submitting and paying for MHS FCCLA Chapter Affiliation!! Way to go Makayla!
REMINDER! The Tile I zoom meeting will be at 4:00 today. See the link in the next ost.
FCCLA Region 1 VP of Projects attending and reporting at the Region 1 Fall Executive Council today in Lubbock, TX.
Way to go Elena Alvarado!
Watch the video detailing the Morton ISD Basketball Plan from our superintendent. Go to and click on the campfire icon.
Our Veteran's Day Program is online this year due to COVID-19. Please visit the Morton ISD website to see our students show appreciation for the Veterans.
Thank you for your service!
Headstart parent meeting
Virtual meeting
Nov 19
See flier
Juniors and Seniors who plan on attending a four year
university need to sign up to take the ACT before November 20th.
The test date is December 12th at South Plains College.
I have vouchers in the counselor's office for students who qualify--this
waives the cost of the test. Come by to get the voucher.