Please encourage students to nominate their teachers at www.MrsBTeacher.com for Teacher On The Rise and please give us as many details as possible! We are looking for teachers who go above and beyond the call of duty.

Morton Elementary watch Dogs first meeting! Great turn out with about 50 dads participating!

Calling all Dads!!! Our Watch D.O.G.S. program is underway! Its not too late to come!

WATCH D.O.G.S Pizza Night is tonight at the Elementary Cafeteria from 6-7 pm. Thank you to all the father figures that have sent in your RSVP. We are excited to start this new program at MES! See you tonight!

Tomorrow is Picture Day! Elementary at the Elementary Library and Junior High and High School at the High School Library. Senior portraits will also be taken at the High School. Bring your photo orders if you have not already ordered online.

Picture Day for Morton ISD is next Tuesday, October 8. We will be taking photos of all students, seniors, staff and faculty. Elementary will be in the Elementary Library. Junior High and High School in the high school library. Bring order forms with payment for prints.

The War Drums are beating in Morton! It's Homecoming 2019! Join us today for the Alumni Reception at 1:30, Parade at 2:00, Pep Rally at 2:30, Booster Dinner at 5:00, Homecoming Court at 7:00, Game at 7:30 and Dance at 9:30. It's a great day to be an Indian!

Homecoming Bonfire tonight! Fire trucks will leave about 7:30. Tomorrow: Beat the Drum all day, Alumni Reception at 1:30, Parade at 2:00, Pep Rally at 2:30, Pre-game dinner at 5:00, Court announced at 7:00, then game and street dance after the game..Join us for Homecoming 2019!

Don't forget! Homecoming Bonfire tomorrow! Fire Trucks will line up in front of the High School beginning at 7:00

It's Homecoming 2019! Keep up with all the activities on our website and follow the stories at www.mortontribe.net

Yearbook Sale! Now is the time to get those yearbooks you missed! 2018 - $30 ea., 2017 - 2013 - $25 ea. Also still some from 2000-2010 for $25 but very limited availability - All first come first served! Contact Mr. Hill in the High School Library.

Welcome to the new Morton ISD website!

The new Morton ISD website will be launching this weekend!

Because of the storm last night, we are experiencing a disruption in internet and phone service. We hope to have it restored soon. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Morton Schools new webpage is coming soon!