Due to the high usage of Schoology across the nation, sometimes you will get this page. When you do click the refresh circle arrow in the top left corner of the page. If it doesn’t work wait a few minutes and try again
almost 5 years ago, Morton Schools
Schoology something went wrong page
Elena Alvarado received her FCCLA officer's jacket this week. Congratulations, Elena, we are all proud of you.
almost 5 years ago, Regina Ingle
After 1 week in quarantine, our Morton ISD kids haven't skipped a beat by learning at home! Great job Morton ISD parents, teachers and students! #jointhetribe
almost 5 years ago, Morton Elementary School
Morton admin team working hard to make sure your kids are getting the best education possible while we are shut down. (Supporting the pizza food truck too ;) #1-2-1learning #noobstacles Photo credit: Mrs. Ramos ♡
almost 5 years ago, Morton Elementary School
All students learning despite the circumstances! #shutdown=opportunity
almost 5 years ago, Morton Elementary School
Shout out to all the staff that helped get all materials, Chromebooks, assignments, band instruments and lunches out today. They busted it in the prep stages and made it look easy! Thank you for your hard work!
almost 5 years ago, Morton Elementary School
Morton Elementary Car line for Grab n Go meals, Chromebook or lesson pack pick up is going smoothly! Thank you elementary staff!
almost 5 years ago, Morton Schools
MEL Grab n Go line
Morton JH teachers and staff ready to pass out student Chromebooks, band instruments and supplies! Thank you!!
almost 5 years ago, Karen Saunders
Materials ready to go
Staff ready to serve!
Pick up lines at Elementary Cafeteria will be as follows. Inner lane for Elementary only. Outter lane for Jr. High and High School as it is a LUNCH ONLY line. Any Elementary parent in the outter lane will only be given lunch and no other materials. 11:00-1:30.
almost 5 years ago, Morton Elementary School
pick up
On March 25th parents can come to the Junior High to pick their student's Chromebook and their band instrument. Parents not picking up lunches please come between 9 and 11. Parents who are picking lunches can come between 11 and 1:30. When you come please remain in your vehicles, and we will come out to you to help you.
almost 5 years ago, Morton Junior High School
Check out the Campfire chat message from Mrs. Saunders on our web page. Just click on the Campfire icon.
almost 5 years ago, Morton Schools
Safety first!! Nurse Stacy checking temps everytime an employee comes in to make sure we are following CDC guidelines! #nocovid19allowedhere!
almost 5 years ago, Morton Elementary School
Hello Parents, Morton ISD will have 2 scheduled pick up times per week for breakfast and lunch. You will be able to pick up your first meals tomorrow. Pick ups will be in the elementary drop off/ pick up lines and will be served from 11:00 to 1:30 on Monday and Thursdays.
almost 5 years ago, Holly Boggs
Your principals hard at work. Please check your mail for an important letter feom Morton ISD.
almost 5 years ago, Morton Elementary School
Please go to the Morton ISD website at mortonisd.net and fill out our 'Learn at Home" survey. This will help us plan for the education of your student during this crisis. Thank You
almost 5 years ago, Morton Schools
Free audio books for all ages. https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
almost 5 years ago, Morton Elementary School
March 19, 2020 Morton Parents, Students and Community Members, As many of you know, Governor Abbott announced statewide temporary school closures this afternoon until April 3, 2020, requesting districts to continue with at-home learning programs for our students. Please rest assured that Morton ISD continues to finalize logistics on at-home learning options and on the distribution of food to address children’s nutritional needs while school is out. Teachers will be planning next week and at-home education will start March 30, 2020. We will be mailing a letter to each parent or guardian requesting information about if students have access to the internet at home and if parents will participate in the free meal program. This letter will be mailed Friday and will include a prepaid envelope to mail the questionnaire back. All parents/guardians are urged to do so. Free meal program will start on Wednesday, March 27th and will be open to all 0-18 year olds. More information and guidance will be made available on our website and Facebook by Monday, March 23, 2020. UIL announced today that UIL competition and practices will be canceled until May 3, 2020. Also, please note that use of Morton facilities, gym and weight room will be suspended until we return to normal school operations. Thank you for your support and cooperation as we ensure that all members of the community in Morton stay safe and healthy. Superintendent Karen Saunders
almost 5 years ago, Morton Schools
Morton Parents, our earlier phone call regarding extending Spring Break for students that was sent out was confusing. Our apologies. To be specific, students will NOT have school next week, March 23-27, in order for school officials to assess our current health situation and make educational plans if we need an extended closure due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. A letter will be mailed to all parents with details later this week.
almost 5 years ago, Morton Schools
March 18, 2020 Given the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, Morton ISD will suspend normal district operations for students through Friday, March 27th, 2020 in an effort support our nation’s need to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Our health officials report that cases are continuing to spread in the state, and an increase in confirmed cases in Lubbock and Hockley County seems likely. Suspending operations for this length of time will allow us to assess the growing situation to determine, in coordination with local health officials, whether the virus is continuing to have community spread or whether it has been contained. Additionally, all extracurricular activities, practices and athletic events are suspended while we are closed. We do not make this decision lightly. We fully realize it presents significant difficulties to working parents. However, we are hopeful that these measures will better ensure the long-term health and safety of children, staff, and the larger community. Morton ISD teachers and staff will be finalizing logistics on at-home learning options and the distribution of food to address children’s nutritional needs while school is out. We will be mailing a letter to each parent or guardian requesting information about access to the internet at home and if parents will participate in the free meal program if school is closed for longer than one week. This letter will include a prepaid envelope to mail the questionnaire back and all parents/guardians are urged to do so. More information and guidance will be made available on our website by Wednesday, March 25, 2020. We will also take this week to further clean schools and buses and restock custodial and nursing supplies. Additionally, we ask the broader community to take the following reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of the illness: • Don’t shake hands • Wash your hands regularly • Limit movement within the community, especially avoiding crowded placed and maintaining 3 to 6 ft of distance between people (at least an arm’s length) • If you are moving around in the community, don’t congregate in large groups • For those who have traveled to areas with known COVID-19 cases – both inside and outside of the country – we ask that you self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms. Students who have traveled should plan to stay home for two weeks after arriving home. Please contact your campus to let them know, and this will be considered an excused absence. • If you suspect you have symptoms of COVID-19, call your health care provider for medical advice . • Keep your child at home if he/she feels ill, even if you think it is just a cold. • Do not leave the house if you are ill, except to access medical care This is a quickly changing situation, and we will continue to monitor information, will assess conditions throughout the week, and will provide the next update by March 27th, 2020 via our website and email. Thank you for your support and cooperation as we ensure that all members of the community in Morton stay safe and healthy. Superintendent Karen Saunders
almost 5 years ago, Morton Schools
Good afternoon Morton parents, students, and community members, There are many questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it may impact our schools. We are vigilant and have been proactive. On Saturday, we had Germblast, a professional disinfecting company who use a high-level disinfection process, treat all areas at all campuses. We have been following the recommendations of the CDC and are focused on prevention. We will continue to disinfect the school areas and buses and keep sanitizer and Kleenex available, and soap dispensers filled. We are in collaboration with Cochran Memorial Hospital and are keeping up with the latest on the COVID -19 virus. As of today, the district plans to resume classes on Monday, March 23rd. We will closely monitor the situation, and should it become necessary to cancel school in the future, we will notify families via text, the Morton app, email, website, local media stations, and social media accounts. If you feel you or your family may have been exposed while traveling during Spring Break, please contact your doctor or the Cochran Memorial Hospital by telephone. Cochran Memorial Hospital staff will determinealocationtoconductascreeningoutsidethehospital. PleaseseetheirFacebookpagefor detailed information on screenings. Families should follow standard procedures for illness upon returning from spring break (and any time your child has been sick). •Fever: Students must be free of fever for 24 hours without Tylenol or Advil. •Vomiting or Diarrhea: If your child is vomiting or had diarrhea, they should not return to school until those issues have been resolved for 24 hours. •Students on Antibiotics: Students who receive antibiotics for an illness should wait 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotics and after the last instance of vomiting or diarrhea before returning to school. For more information on the COVID-19 virus, please visit the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html Karen Saunders, M.Ed. Superintendent Morton ISD
almost 5 years ago, Morton Schools