Getting to know Mrs. Abston
We all know that teaching is a demanding profession. There are countless hours of planning, grading, coaching, counseling, learning, teaching, and the many day-to-day changes that get thrown your way. Add to that the challenges of family, community, health, and it can become quite a stressful existence.
So how do teachers do it? If you ask Luisa Martinez-Abston at Morton High School, she will tell you that the answer is simple.
“I love what I do,” Abston said.
Mrs. Abston started her teaching career about eight years ago, when her oldest child was only 13. She now has five children she is responsible for aged 7 to 21 years. But this year is most difficult, as her 17-year-old daughter is now a senior.
“It is so difficult, I am torn,” Abston said. “I treat all my students like my kids, but now that Mel is graduating, it is really tugging at my heart.”
Abston did her teacher preparation at South Plains College and Texas Tech. And she says it has its pros and cons.
“I like being able to help everyone I come into contact with, Absont said, “but teaching can really political, and I don’t like that.”
Mrs. Abston is currently teaching Spanish and Art at the high school. She is also a Cheer sponsor and a UIL coach in Poetry and Prose.
“I like Art and Spanish the most,” Abston said. “But I even like things I am not very good at.”
Despite the rough schedule and juggling of many responsibilities, Mrs. Abston has one thing that always keeps her going.
“I love to help the kids”