COVID Guidelines for Football Games

Football Game Spectator Guidelines

The following recommendations are for spectators who choose to come to Indian Stadium. Seating capacity in the stands will be limited to 50% (300 seats on the home side, 150 seats on the visitorā€™s side). It will be on a first come first serve basis. No advanced sales or reserved seats will be offered this year.

1. All spectators should self-screen prior to entering the stadium. Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 should not choose to attend the games. Hand sanitizer will be available at each entrance.

2. Spectators should choose to remain socially distant from one another and wear personal protective equipment while in the stands and around the commons area of the concession stand pavilion.

3. Spectators will not be allowed on the field/track before or after the game.

4. There will be a limited concessions stand.

5. ALL Varsity Football games will be broadcast on KLVT Radio. This can be accessed by going to .

We ask for everyone`s full cooperation, so we can all make this a great season for our student athletes. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Brian Ramsey or Karen Saunders @ 806-266-5505.

Thank you,

Morton ISD Administration